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Old 2010-08-29, 15:11   Link #296
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: event horizon
Originally Posted by Larthak View Post
Please, no changes for the sake of changes.
What is this some kind of cheap personal attack, or bait? If you are such a guru go ahead and explain to me the great merits of the current system, rather then just act like you're smarter then everyone. I'm not going to debate with such shallow and subjective circular nonsense.

Originally Posted by Larthak View Post
The current system works and I can't seem to find any flaws in it. In short, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Like I said it's very plausible, given past results, that in our current system if we had 4 picks the result would be different, and if we had 2 picks it would be different still; and nothing to suggest that since we have 3 we are getting a accurate result. Basically the 3-pick is like a fancy coin toss with some truth to it. Are we picking the best? or the one that falls the most on peoples multi-sided dice; since there is no such thing as 3 "the best". Assuming we're not trolled just 1 of the votes go to the entry that people want to win and the other 2 can be just about anything, they might not even necessarily be in the top 3, given the entire meta properties of having 3 for vote.

Originally Posted by Larthak View Post
Another point being, picking three best entries is hard enough as it is, don't complicate it even more by adding the weight element to our votes. Then I'd have to wonder "Does this entry deserve 0.3 points more? Or how about I take 0.1 from this one and add 0.4 to that one?! Oh, the possibilities!! Let me just spend the whole afternoon with this problem."
As I explained you can just keep voting as you have. Adding weight to votes is perfectly compatible with the current system. Also, I don't think laziness when voting should be a factor. Almost every other forum either uses the 1-pick-poll or some form of weighted system. Typically the post your votes in order (first = best) method of assigning weight works better since it's easier to use but it wouldn't be compatible with how voting currently works, so would be harder transition.

Originally Posted by Larthak View Post
As to why it's "pick 3", well...all the competitions use this as the universal rule. Why be different? I guess that's our case as well.
"self-fulfilling prophecy" When you vote, you vote for the ONE, not the 3. We don't have 3 winners. Do you have 3 presidents? No, you don't.

Also, you didn't answer why 1-pick is so bad. It should still be easier to count, assuming you don't want to use a poll. And people are more enthusiastic when they have just one person to root for. 3 is just a mood-killer. I wonder if people can even remember the 3 they voted for...
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