Thread: Licensed Tari Tari
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Old 2012-09-24, 07:52   Link #1477
Kana Hanazawa ♥
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: France
Age: 37
That was an excellent ending to an excellent show. Probably my favorite of the season. One can argue it was too predictable, but I don't see the problem with that. Better predictable and great than unpredictable and terrible. Tari Tari did everything right in my book. The characters were all great in their own way, the drama was subtle and not heavy-handed like in a lot of anime these days, and the score and visuals were fantastic. I couldn't have asked for more.

Now, a few unorganized comments about the final episode itself:

- Props to the principal for standing up to the chairman. Too bad he paid such a hefty price for it. And too bad he looked so pathetic.

- Wien found a way to be a prince like he wanted. A frog prince

- Radiant melody was a good song.

- I'm happy Wakana and the Vice Principal managed to grow closer. That was a very nice scene. The VP sure has mellowed out over the course of the series.

- Konatsu and Wakana double butt-slap to Sawa was

- Taichi confessed to Sawa after all. A bit too late, sadly.

- I enjoyed the epilogues. I just wish they had taken place a bit further into the future.

Originally Posted by sudolicious View Post
It was nice to see what everyone is planning to do after they graduate, but they made some strange choices there again. I'm particular annoyed about the Sawa thing, which completely destroys what little bit of character development she had. She just said herself in ep12 that she "learned that there are some things I have to let go"... Yeah, like what? Becoming a jockey is a childish dream of hers - unlike taichis ambition for tennis for example, which got him an recommendation - and the whole point of her arc was for her to realize that and mature with the experience.

But again, that's just PA. Nice episode overall and a somewhat satisfying ending. I expected more from this show at the start though, pretty much like with hanasaku iroha
I was bothered by this too. I thought Sawa had learnt her lesson and decided to stop chasing this near impossible dream. Sometimes you have to know when to give up. Her decision leaves me with mixed feelings.
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