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Old 2013-05-23, 06:40   Link #3898
Anomaly / 矛盾存在
Join Date: Jan 2013
Age: 29
Really is Eternal September, ain't it?

I think Tap reads but doesn't post here, so I'll speak on his behalf:

Lusol, it seems that you've made an account specifically to ask this question, so I'll answer you to the best as I can too. The WEB novel available in only two languages: the original Japanese version, and the Chinese translations, which Flere821 spent about two weeks reading and summarising for us. As you can see from iceaco's compilation, that was a huge, high-levelled summary. That's the closest to a translation as one can get for now.

(While I do see a WEB novel section on BT, it's been unchanged for over a month now, so I'm just taking it as an interest to translate, as opposed to a translation project.)

As for the parts of the translators, it really is voluntary. Let me emphasise that as clearly as possible. Voluntary. We translate as a hobby/side project, it's not us translating for a living. Teh_Ping or js06 would be rich now if they did.

If it draws any parallels to you, I myself confessed I too want fast translations. But, once I figured I can do so by contributing, I stopped whining to myself and went to pick up V5, V11, and V12 of Accel World. If you are familiar with Chinese, at least, then I could understand if you want an English version for reference to read. However, it's pretty likely you're a fan reader, so I ask again: exercise patience. Pick up another hobby, find a way to keep your mind in shape. (aka, study. ) When translations come out, they will.

I foolishly wish this is the last time I or another translators need to state this fact.
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