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Old 2012-08-12, 22:51   Link #51
A Very Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Sullivan County, NY
Age: 48
I thought this was a show about... something....

What it should not be about is how many times the animators can start a shot at a torso (front or back) and pan the camera up to a characters face. (Go count how many times that shot happened in this episode.)

Fan service can have its place... But not in place of story. There are enough series out these days about fan service and nothing else. There are very few mature series about grand themes. Those few shows do not need fan service getting in the way of story. Let the story play its course. There is enough stuff to do/see in this universe without having to resort to how many bakini butt shots can be crammed into 22 min. of air time.

This series is so mixed up it does not know what it wants to be. It is every genera! When do the cute mass marketable mascots pop out? When do we see the first spell cast? They have pretty much covered every other genera in this series, so why not go for a clean sweep?


I think I know what this show is trying to be.

MLA:TE is trying to be GUNBUSTER! (Girls, pilot training, failure, tragedy, space bugs, giant robots, romance, training with people from all over the world/solar system, two girls/one robot, lots of genera covered throughout)

If you are not Hideki Anno and you do not work for Gainex then do not try to make another Gunbuster.

Next week: Back to Starship Troopers x Gundam! Oh yeah!

Last edited by PonSquared; 2012-08-12 at 23:07. Reason: Toning it down a bit. Too many rough edges.
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