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Old 2011-01-31, 16:09   Link #37
Join Date: Oct 2009
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Originally Posted by FlavorOfLife View Post
Eh spying sound familiar? Or did Kyubei just decided that it was a good time to visit Sayaka at that precise time?
Why didn't he visit Sayaka in the hospital before, then? Because Sayaka wasn't ready to make a wish yet. Take a look at that scene again carefully; there is *no* surprise on Sayaka's face when her head comes up. Indeed, her expression is firm, especially after what she just told Kamijou.

In short, whether Kyube showed up there on his own whim or Sayaka's is immaterial. Sayaka appeared quite ready to make the wish, and if Kyube hadn't showed up, she probably would have gone looking for him. If anything, Kuybe was responding to her heart.

Sometimes i really don't understand why some people don't think about the basics. Whats the name of the show? Whats a wish's power based on? Who grants wishes? Who was i talking about as the furball so far?

Lets put it in sci fi. Could Q from startrek have done what you said?
Yes, but we have no evidence Kyube is a Q-like being. If Kyube could grant his own wishes, he'd make as many MG's as he needed, and adjust them mentally for his task. There would be no need for games.

Again, you make assumptions. Are they interesting theories? Yes, that I'll grant. But they haven't been proven one way or the other.

Please point out where i assumed that a normal could not die. As i said point out to me where a normal died. The CURRENT information on the interaction between normals and witches do not support them dying in the witch dimension rather all are shown to suicide
Wait, so you need to actually see a normal die in a witch world to believe that it's possible? Why didn't you answer JimmyC when he said it would basically be up to the witch? Actually, normals probably can't enter the witch world, and Sayaka and Madoka only could, only because they were special. So regardless of whether a normal could, them entering was clearly considered dangerous. Only we only went off on this tangent because you wanted to believe that Madoka was somehow 100% safe.

I'm sorry I can't share that assumption. Even if I buy that she couldn't have died, she was at least in pain from being stretched, so I suppose you think endless torture is somehow better than death?

i) Point out where i said Sayaka should have gleeful laughed at her friend
ii) Point out where i mentioned complete paralysis.
iii) Is losing access to your left had complete paralysis?
iv) Exactly where did i say that Sayaka would feel that its better to remain as he was, depressed and dreamless?
v) If Sayaka helped him be spending YEARS or DECADES, does that mean a greater SACRIFICE than "wish your hand was fine, ok i'm off to die now"?

Look, we got onto this tangent because you believed that Kamijou was somehow better off for having a paralyzed hand. And you do have a partial point: one person sticking with another and helping them over decades does take considerable will and sacrifice.

But you're trying to make it sound like a bad thing that he was healed, and that he'll once again be able to do the thing he loved more than anything: play the violin. I'm really trying to wrap my head around this; do you really think people should turn down a chance to be able to do what they loved? Do you think injured people shouldn't be healed?

Last edited by CrowKenobi; 2011-02-01 at 10:03. Reason: Removed quoted off-topic sentences
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