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Old 2013-03-20, 22:24   Link #671
Join Date: Mar 2006
Originally Posted by ogon_bat View Post
I read somewhere (maybe it was a link on this forum) that Saddam wanted to establish an euro like gold dinar for westerners to pay for oil (driving oil prices "to infinity and beyond!") so in that sense the rebels having a goal of establishing a new central bank (to please their western supporters) would make sense.
I wouldn't be surprised at that. The dollar is a reserve currency and is the only accepted currency for oil. This makes the dollar extremely valuable, obviously. If a nation or nations were to seriously entertain the idea of shifting away from the dollar as a basket currency or to replace it with something else to buy oil, this would undermine and weaken the dollar and shift the economic balance in dramatic ways.

If you're heavily invested in dollar, and quite a few nations are, this is not a wonderful idea to pursue. It's an instance where politics and economics are basically the same thing, and if the political and economic deterrents fail, military style action kicks in. Sometimes it's your intelligence agencies instigating events, sometimes it's something with more muscle, and sometimes it's both.
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