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Old 2015-11-15, 02:53   Link #97
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Galt's Gulch
Age: 44
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Originally Posted by SaintessHeart View Post
I still remember what an NCO once told me about "training the way you fight" - he said that conflicting human emotion is the top killer in any standoff, particularly the fear of death and/or killing someone. It is that split second objectivity that determines the living and the dead.

Hopefully you have done that firing-under-pressure scenario. Making a difference counts alot on who-shot-and-hit-first.
Emotion doesnt play a part when chit hits the fan. Not in the cases I've lived through. You either act, or someone dies. If you're going to hesitate, you may as well just not get involved. Because it'll already be too late. I've saved lives. I was directly involved in the Cedar Fires in San Diego back in 2003(I created a fire-break on an HD-6 Bulldozer to save a horse ranch while a neighbor's house burned and had flames coming through both tracks around me).

Have I shot anyone, or pointed a gun at anyone? No. But I've already been through some situations that required action over emotion. Hell I shot my first rattlesnake at 10 years old. I still have that .22 rifle. A Stevens bolt-action that has been in the family for decades. Hopefully I'll have my own children someday and be able to pass on my experiences to them as well as teaching them how to operate firearms safely and effectively.
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