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Old 2009-12-11, 12:54   Link #243
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Join Date: Dec 2009
In episode 17, there is a reference which was only very briefly covered. If I may, there are a few more details which might serve interesting.

The drawings in Konata's History book were indeed from Noein: To Your Other Self. They are of the Dragon Knights (also known as the Dragon Cavalry). In the middle is the main knight, Karasu, who appears to be tortured by Atori, which is the figure to the left. Atori always wished to inflictincredible pain on Karasu and hated him with a passion, hence why he is pictured laughing.

The figure to the right is Fukuro, who is Karasu's best friend. Although the two are close, their conflict over Haruka (whos name is being called in this drawing) has resulted in fights. Karasu's words "I'm not giving that up!" refer to Haruka, who is the 'Dragon Torque' and serves as the salvation for the world the Dragon Knights come from.
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