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Old 2008-01-28, 03:24   Link #43
Join Date: Apr 2003
Tofu: What titles had less than 1000 copies sold in R1? Anything good, or are we just talking B-titles like Daphne in the Brilliant Blue, Gravion, etc. that you knew were crap to begin with?

I think the current problems come down to a couple factors:
- The average fan gets to watch more and more anime on TV, so they don't feel the need as much to buy stuff on DVD to watch anime

- Sorta the opposite way ... we don't get enough shows on commonly available channels to let your Joe Every Fan see stuff. (The large majority of anime fans still don't watch fansubs) Whereas in Japan you get to see basically everything on TV beforehand. (How are the DVD sales on stuff like IY, Bleach, Death Note, etc?)

- Even in Japan I don't believe most of the money is made from DVD sales ... it's the merchandising that counts. Or money from broadcasting itself.

- US barely has any of the merchandising that goes along with shows in Japan.

- The average anime fan is in the age bracket with the least amount of disposable income, in comparison to Japan where most of your DVDs will be bought by Otaku who are out of school.

Aaaand we're way off topic now lol...
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