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Old 2009-09-16, 16:15   Link #76
Unchangingly Hopeless
Join Date: Jan 2007
Originally Posted by Jan-Poo View Post
Yes Maria's little crown is the same as the iconic "black king" of chess. But imho it stinks as a red herring as anything else related to Maria.
Actually, it makes perfect sense for Maria to be the black king, imho.

People often associate the king piece with power and authority, but that's a bit misleading. The power piece is the queen, and the anime has already dubbed Beatrice as the [black] queen with its "early queen move" title. A king, on the other hand, is a versatile but rather weak piece. The king is more important than the queen only because taking your king is your opponent's win condition.

That's exactly the case with Maria. If at any point during the game something happens that can convince Maria the witch does not exist, it should also be enough to convince every other person on the island. Beatrice is dependent on belief at least to some extent. If everybody accepts her, she will become the truth. If everybody denies her...

Losing Maria is to the witch side what losing Battler is to the human side - not an immediate loss, but very close to it. The servants (witch side) and people like Kyrie and Rosa (human side) can serve as temporary replacements, but only for the time you need to recover your king piece. The human side survived losing Battler once... and was about to lose five minutes later. So yeah.

Though I certainly wouldn't mind Maria taking on an active role in the battle, too. She's a chibi female determinator, once you see her in Ep.4. I'm sure she could make Battler sweat if she tried.
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