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Old 2007-08-31, 09:56   Link #732
Twisted Reality
Is Neither Goth Nor Emo
Join Date: Feb 2007
Originally Posted by inkyubasu View Post
Me = Fan

Well, first, I have to tell you that, as you already said, there is NO solid evidence on the matter...
But there are little hints and facts... hidden of course, because we can't forget the story is being told by Kyon, who is unaware of everybody else's feelings...

(WARNING: I'm kind of Itsuki-esque... I wrote a lot XD... AND some of my reflexions are fangirlish and DISTURBING X.x)

Oh well... The hints and... stuff:
That's certainly a take. It's probably why he disturbs Kyon so much is that Koizumi really has no compunctions about walking into a guy's or girls personal space for his own purposes, and with a smile. He does it with Haruhi anyway.

I always took it to be him teasing Kyon. There are a lot of hints to suggest that Koizumi might actually like Haruhi. Namely, that he openly expresses his jealousy for Kyon's and Haruhi's "unconscious bond of trust." He also admits that he admires Haruhi's energy and finds her attractive. Of course, we're not sure whether to take him all that seriously.

However, he certainly spends a lot of time worrying about Haruhi's mental status and is always constantly encouraging Kyon to look at things from Haruhi's perspective as a person and not just an insane girl to be brushed off. He really does care about her, but he has to look after her from a distance. It might not be surprising for him to be attracted to her, especially if he were to discover that Haruhi, was just in fact, a reasonably normal girl compared to what Haruhi's inner-spaces and powers might otherwise indicate.

But Haruhi picked Kyon. That's the end of that.

If his attraction to Haruhi is real, than it wins me respect points for him. He's such an accommodating character, but it never seems to drive him insane. He deliberately loses games to Kyon (even picks out different types of games). He's Haruhi's toadie. He nudges Kyon in Haruhi's direction when he can. He's Brigade's resident psychologist. He's Haruhi's Ritalin. And he does it all with an pleasant and effete demeanor. He's set himself up to be a facade. A half-person either Kyon's or Haruhi's eyes. He's nonexistent, invisible, as far as Mikuru or Yuki are concerned.

Spoiler for Also. . .:

I also look through your examples and a lot of it can be interpreted otherwise.

Spoiler for Sasaki:

Last edited by Twisted Reality; 2007-08-31 at 10:21.
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