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Old 2009-03-26, 03:25   Link #136
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2009
I have seen that people think one year has passed since Taiga left near the end of episode. I have done some research.

Series start when they are in second year. Proof of that is Kitamura confessing to Taiga on their freshman year. Also at start of series he says to Ryuji that they are in same class again.

Since we have established that they are in 2nd year when series start we can progress from there. Now Japanese schools start in September or October. So it is fall. Then later on we have them go to Ami summer house which means 2nd year is over. After that they are in 3rd and final year of high school.

High school graduation is is in March. Taiga left soon after valentine which is in middle of February. So they were separated for only month or two, not whole year.

Another proof that they are in 3rd year is that Ryuji is almost 18 year old. High school graduates are around 18 year old when they finish school. Also since Ryuji has good grades we can assume he did not fail the grade.

So there you go. Taiga is not that cruel to leave Ryuji all by himself for one year ;-)
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