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Old 2011-10-11, 20:24   Link #38
Also a Lolicon
Join Date: Apr 2010
I found that openSUSE's 1click install worked very reliably and with minimal interaction if not quite 1click. I would assume that more beginner oriented flavors would be even more user friendly.

Kaijo is
-web browsing
-writing stuff
-watching anime

That should be self explanatory. All the apps needed are included with most distros, it doesn't require any advanced configuration. The only issue I think would be WiFi, just run the card to buy past us/a linux forum/use Google for the chipset to make sure its wells supported. AMD graphics drivers aren't as much of a pain as they used to be, but that is probably going to be the hardest part and there shouldn't be any problems following an online guide, they might not even be needed if 3D acceleration isn't much of a concern.
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