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Old 2008-09-18, 15:53   Link #2748
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Originally Posted by Tael View Post
That does not make sense when put in context with the Nun, or maybe to me it does not. Due to their mutual desires we can likely assume that they suffered similar fates, C.C. and the Nun (as I doubt the Nun's desire had always been to die). There has to have been a reason for her to seek her death if the code's transfer would simply free her from immortality. In fact, any immortal seeking freedom through the death from the code, would raise flags to this idea. If the value of life is to simply return once the code is gone, then none would have to seek death, they'd have to seek losing the code and then their lives would return to normal. Putting this into context that they sought death, not just the loss of the code, something is clearly missing from the equation to explain why they sought death and not simply code loss. V.V.'s strange talk before dying may hold the answer to this.
I didn't intend to address the cases of the Nun or V.V. since we don't have enough information about their lives, not to mention that V.V. is a rather recent immortal compared to C.C., but that doesn't mean it is a problem.

I was speaking of C.C.'s particular case, which is different enough by this point in R2, considering everything that has happened to her to date. That was implicit in my writing, though admittedly lacked elaboration.

My answer would be that C.C. sought death, and not just the removal of the Code and its apparently associated memory loss, for most of her life because it all became meaningless to her, to the point that death would be a viable exit....but that has now changed, or could presumably change at least, because of Lelouch.

If you want to make things simple, his existence and his relationship to C.C., now that he has all the necessary information about her past/wish and she knows that he does, may make her realize the value of life when the time for Code transfer comes, as opposed to what applied to immortals in general or even to C.C. herself, in the absence of a similar element.

Of course, this is all just my opinion, not fact, and things may turn out very differently.
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