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Old 2009-10-21, 08:00   Link #3993
Ass connoisseur
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Florida
Age: 37
I wouldn't put much thought into it until you actually see it happen. Personally, I don't see Saki performing on par with what they did this year, let alone actually performing better. And Japan bans entire i.p. regions, I doubt they're specifically picking out Shana and Kyoani voters to ban. Just because both are popular in China, doesn't mean that's the reason they're being banned. It's not Japan's fault that every other country tend to be so linear with their voting preference. I mean there are thousands of anime(Well, not within 2010, but there is still well over 100), and the only characters you can come up with that are going to be affected by 2-chan blocking I.p's is Shana and Kyoani? Seriously? Truth is, voting is much tougher in Saimoe, and it weeds out the mainstream voters, so I.P. blockage or not, Kyoani and Shana wouldn't do much better. imho...As the westerners voting actually have knowledge of other anime. Back in 2006 we saw what it was like with few blocked I.P's. Nothing much really changed. Infact, Shana nearly lost to Evangeline.(2007 back when there was large vote totals) She tied, actually. All while Nanoha and Rozen characters raped in 2006, back when the vote totals were highest.
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