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Old 2011-10-27, 09:23   Link #1302
Senior Guest
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Athens (GMT+2)
Age: 35
Well, imo Talon could have been better, but he's not too bad. Skarner is a bit too cookie-cutter for me, the tough chaser with a bit of heal...Yorick's plain bad;I'm not saying he's unplayable, but he is extremely dependent on mana and CDR if you want him to be able to harass, survivability and damage come second seeing the 5s minion lifespan, and his ult...wonder how that works with Karthus :P
Brand can be very fun to use, but most people go for the stun and never really experiment when it comes to ingenuity, I once picked an awesome triple kill by seering once behind me and then turning around for E+R, forcing the about-to-scatter enemies to keep chasing me, eating all of the pyroclasm, and when they started running back, flash+W FTW!
Also note that, even though female champs got their load of fun to share (Katarina, Akali, Vayne,etc.), there's also the stock of boredom (Sivir, Sona, MF, etc.).
As for most fun champ in LoL, I'd have to pick Zilean, my fingers are always tapping away at something whenever I'm playing with him, and simultaneous double time bomb kills are too pleasing to pass on.
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