Thread: Needless
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Old 2009-08-24, 11:15   Link #69
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Join Date: May 2004
In Code Gease if your blind your safe, in needless you need to be deaf or hard of hearing.
Off Topic: Nunnally was pretty safe from Lelouch's geass until she open her eyes in final episode. What a pity.

What if Cruz's ability here is cancel? You know the kid in Xmen movie 3 that can take away cancel the mutant powers, I just have a hunch if ever he'll have a fragment within him, that might be it, that is also a pretty broken power. Just an ordinary human relying on wits and survival to battle, no other techniques or special abilities.
you mean something like Toma's Imagine Breaker in Aru Majutsu no Index? Sure it will be useful against any powerful super powers, but Arclight is pretty skillful in hand-to-hand combat as he is able to compete with Blade in equal terms near the end of vol 7. Having that ability alone will still get your own ass kicked unless you are skillful in combat. Besides, Arclight has a super regenerative body that heals/repairs itself thus its not enough to take Arclight out that way. Ability cancel is more of a survival/support technique.

Another disadvantage about sound is that sound can't travel in vacuum, thus if they fight in space or sound protective space/wall, the "sound" ability is useless. However with the "sound" ability, the user can shout "don't kill/fight us!" and Arclight is screwed. Better yet, shout "Lets be friends and peace!" and then end of manga. Good ending for everyone.

Blade's final words to Cruz before they got separated in vol 8 said that they were currently no match for Arclight. Thus I speculate that Cruz and co. need to recruit a needless with the "right" ability against Arclight. Of all abilities presented thus far, I find "sound" ability close to "god-like", thats why i supported Cruz potentially having this ability to become the next Lelouch. He could also use this ability to brainwash his sister back to his side.

Last edited by pirateking; 2009-08-24 at 11:58.
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