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Old 2004-01-12, 20:11   Link #1
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Providence, RI
Age: 41
Hontou no Takaramono translation

Hi guys, I'm new here but I just yesterday finished the series and it's beautiful. I think things are for the better the way the series ended, but my heart is with Haruka. First love is so precious, but, in my humble experience, too often a victim of the passage of time, just like in Kiminozo.

Anyway, I'm not a native speaker, so I apologize if the translation is rough (feel free to correct me), but I did a conversion of kj's post of Hontou no Takaramono into a w/ kanji version for people such as myself whose get headaches looking at straight kana, and then an English translation. Some parts are literal and some are slightly embroidered. That's poetic license. Also, I go heavy on kanji. Use kj's post if necessary. PS: You too can write in Japanese on your American computer if you download the IME from the Microsoft Office website. As a final note, note that the ferrets' names are derived from the Japanese seasons, as is Haruka's herself--her name, Spring Fragrance (depending on the reading), may be a reference to young, "springtime" love.

In English:

The True Treasure
By Murakami Haruka

I think I can! I think I can! I think I can!
Today, once again, Haru the Ferret
Is climbing the great big hill with all the might
In her little body.
Today, once again, the four friends will nap together.
I think I can! I think I can! I think I can!

Haru arrives at the top of the hill.
The sun has also arrived, to the very top of the sky.
To nap upon the top of the hill is a joy to Haru.
But today, something is different.

On top of the hill three ferrets have gathered.
Gathered here, what are they doing?
“Wow, this is a wonderful place.
Would it be all right for us to nap here with you?”
Haru responds, brimming with happiness,
“Yes. Let’s nap together.”

* * *

I think I can! I think I can! I think I can!
Today, once again, Haru the Ferret
Is climbing the great big hill with all the might
In her little body.
Today, once again, the four friends will nap together.
I think I can! I think I can! I think I can!

“Let’s plant a giant tree here!”
Says Aki the Ferret.
“If we do, this place will become even better!”
Everyone agrees.

This tree is their treasure.
It is a treasure planted through the hard work of them all.

I think I can! I think I can! I think I can!
Today, once again, she will nap together with her four friends,
Gathered beneath the tree at the peak of the hill.
What’s this? The tree has borne fruit.
Upon the tree one teeny, tiny, solitary fruit has sprung forth.
A new treasure has been borne.

“What a delicious-looking fruit! I’d like to eat it,”
Says Haru the Ferret.

“No way! It was I who found it! I’ll eat it,”
Says Nattsu the Ferret.

“Idiots! If the tree has borne this fruit,
Many more are sure to follow,”
Says Aki the Ferret.

“I doubt it. No, definitely not.
This fruit has come forth only with great difficulty,”
Says Fuyuyu the Ferret.

Oh no! Oh no! Things have degenerated into a quarrel.
Because there is just one fruit these quarrels have arisen.
Soon, everyone will no longer nap and play together.

At the peak of the hill, only Haru remains.
Before, everyone took soothing naps together.
Now, only Haru remains.

The next day, Haru naps at home.
And the next day. And the next day.
She naps alone.
“I’m lonely. I’m so lonely.
I want to see my friends. I want to see everyone!”

I think I can! I think I can! I think I can!
The following day, Haru is once again
Climbing the hill with all the might in her little body.
I think I can! I think I can! I think I can!

On the top of the hill is a tree that has become a giant.
It’s massive branches have borne much fruit.
But Haru remains sad.
Even though these are the treasures she pined for,
She no longer wants them.

“I’m so lonely! It’s so miserable to be alone!
I miss my friends! I want to see them again.”

So saying, Haru has found the true treasure.

I think I can! I think I can! I think I can!
Haru has found the true treasure.
She believes.
She believes with all her heart that the day will come
When once again everyone will be able to sleep peacefully together.

With this hope in her heart,
Today, once again, Haru the Ferret
Is climbing the great big hill with all the might
In her little body.
I think I can! I think I can! I think I can!

The End


むらかみ はるか 作
君が望む永遠 より

よいしょ よいしょ よいしょ
おこじょのハルは 今日も 一生懸命
小さい体で 大きな丘を登ります。
よいしょ よいしょ よいしょ

お日様もすっかり お空のてっぺんへ着きました
丘の上でお昼寝するのが ハルのお楽しみです
でも この日は ちょっと 違ってました

丘の上には 三人のおこじょが 集まっていました
あれれ? ここで集まって 何してるの?
やぁ ここは いい場所だね 僕達も一緒に昼寝してもいいかな?
ハルは とっても とっても 大喜び
うん 一緒にお昼寝しよう

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

よいしょ よいしょ よいしょ
小さい体で 大きな丘を登ります
今日も 四人で 一緒にお昼寝
よいしょ よいしょ よいしょ

ここに 大きな木を植えよう
そうすればもっと いい場所になるよ
皆も 大賛成 (だいさんせい)

この木は 皆の宝物
皆で 頑張って植えた 宝物

よいしょ よいしょ よいしょ
あれれれ? 木の実が なってるよ
木には小さな小さな 木の実が
一つだけ 着いていました
新しい宝物が 生まれていました

美味しそうな 木の実 食べたいな

だめだよ 僕が見つけたんだ
ばかだなあ 木の実を植えれば
もっとたくさん 木の実がなるよ

だめだよ とっちゃ だめだよ
 木の実 だもの

たいへん たいへん 喧嘩になっちゃった
木の実が 一つしか ないから 喧嘩になっちゃった

丘のてっぺんには ハルだけが 残りました
皆一緒の 楽しいお昼寝
今は ハルだけになってしまいました

次の日 ハルは お内でお昼寝
次の日も 次の日も 
寂しいよ 寂しいよ
会いたいよ 皆に 会いたいよ

よいしょ よいしょ よいしょ
次の日 ハルは 丘を登ります
小さい体で 一生懸命 登ります
よいしょ よいしょ よいしょ

丘の上には すっかり大きくなった木が 在りました
大きな木には たくさんの 木の実が 着いていました
でも あんまり嬉しくありません
欲しかった 宝物なのに

寂しいよ 一人ぼっちは 寂しいよ
会いたいよ 皆に 会いたいよ

こうして ハルは 本当の宝物を見つけたのです。

よいしょ よいしょ よいしょ
本当の宝物を 見つけたハルは 信じています
いつか また 皆で 仲良くお昼寝出来る日を

そうしてハルは 今日も 一生懸命
小さい体で 大きな丘を登ります
よいしょ よいしょ よいしょ

Last edited by loki9x; 2004-07-05 at 00:37.
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