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Old 2009-05-03, 14:42   Link #20
Starry Dust
Lurkin' in ur threadz.
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: The Sunshine State
Age: 32
I always wondered if Akira knew Saki before without her knowing it.

That or he just randomly tracked her down knowing that she was going to the White House by herself via through phone if she ever hinted it to her friends and family on it. While the Supporter or whatever can send messages elsewhere through people's phone ( Kondo's message going to his wife instead ) I wonder if they can hack on a cellphone randomly with a person having no relation to a Selecao who's from Japan?

Like mentioned before, why her? Why aim a gun at Saki when walking straight out butt-naked with a gun in your hand infront of the White House can get you enough trouble as it is? And do alot of people walk by the White House? Maybe Akira was waiting for anyone to come on by and just shoot them but it baffles me still. Saki just so happened to create the perfect scenario for Akira to have an opportunity to create a commotion with the cops.

And I' m leaning more on the edge that Akira's mind-wipe was done at the wrong moment on which he hadn't plan.
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