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Old 2013-02-17, 12:47   Link #90
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Originally Posted by Kirarakim
However Ichiro Okouchi being in charge of series composition doesn't really fill me with confidence. Then again I guess I can hope the story will be closer to his work on Planetes than Code Geass (but Code Geass was the original work).
This is not necessarily a bad thing, in my opinion, even if you didn't like that last work (which I did, for the record). He's worked on several other shows too, with varying results. The exact requirements and circumstances of a given production aren't easily replicated, for better or for worse. That said...I honestly don't see anything of Planetes in this, which combined mostly realistic science fiction with sitcom-like humor and so on, but I really wasn't expecting it either.

The setting and story sounds a lot more like Gundam SEED than Code Geass, in context, particularly since the protagonist will apparently be the one piloting the most powerful robot and there's no unrelated superpowers involved as far as we can tell. I don't think we have enough information to speculate about what will happen past, say, the first couple of episodes though. What extra variables, if any, they will introduce to set this project apart still remain to be seen.

And while I think Kou Matsuo is a confident director (and I like how he does voice performances) I've actually always ended up being disappointed in all his series in the end (although that may be more because of the script then his directing). Although he is an interesting choice as this doesn't seem like the type of series he usually does. I think his style of directing will be interesting for this type of series.
I haven't seen enough of his work to comment on that, but at the very least it sounds like bringing someone unfamiliar with this type of material will allow for some additional variety in terms of execution, regardless of the actual content.
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