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Old 2007-06-02, 15:41   Link #262
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: event horizon
Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
A's episode 8, when he's in the library surounded by floating books.
In episode 7 when they were discussing in the library about the books (and Crono-suke ) Yuuno said he had prepared some searching magic. If he could do it without anything then what would be the point of preparing something.

But I checked back with episode 7~
Let me show you why you didn't see the circle in Ep8:
Spoiler for Surprise:

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
No no no, I meant the one he was casting after the barrier came down. There was no circle then.
You mean when he's doing something like...
Spoiler for this:

I can give you complete proof, but I can give you a way he could be doing it.

Note the image above, his circle color is green as is the light of the orb.
Since it's just a simple healing spell he could be doing a small circle in his hand. the orb's glow would make it invisible.

We have seen this kind of thing in the series,
Here's a reference of circle in the hand from season one:

..and it's even the right size
Of course even if it's the posibility it's an ability and not a spell (as little to no math involved) it still does not disprove the circle theory.
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