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Old 2011-12-16, 00:03   Link #33
Cross Game - I need more
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: I've moved around the American West. I've lived in Oregon, Washington, Utah, and Oklahoma
Age: 44
To me the highlight was Kodaka explaining why he does not dye his hair.

His hair marks him as a delinquent, a brand of shame, and a mark of ostracism that prevents Kodaka from making the friends he should so easily have.

Yet Kodaka will not dye it, for Kodaka is a man who loves his mama!!

Somehow, cheesy and cliche as it was, that scene just managed to hit me. Probably because Kodaka is so mellow and even keeled the rest of the time that whenever he makes a strong statement it comes off as very sincere.

Cross Game - A Story of Love, Life, Death - and Baseball. What more could you want?
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