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Old 2011-09-11, 09:56   Link #2
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Florida
HSI 24 - The Author of the Machinations That Set the World in Motion

Rock on, Jiromaru! I didn't know he dabbled in manga, too. A true Renaissance man, in some senses of the word. Even if Ohana didn't say exactly what she wanted to, it's getting much less ambiguous. A date at the festival is romantic enough to qualify, I think. As for the thrust of the episode, Sui's speech, mixed feelings here. Following your own dream and not getting bogged down by someone else's past is indeed a worthy goal, but the Kissuiso group is also a pretty strong group of friends. To suddenly break that up doesn't seem completely fair either. Both sides have a point on this one, so I'll just wait and see which side the show itself falls on. On a final note, no Sui fanservice, thankfully. She's too quick for anyone to notice it. Mad bathroom cleaning skills, though.
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