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Old 2013-05-26, 04:03   Link #315
Key Board
Join Date: Nov 2003
Originally Posted by articuzwolf View Post
you do watch episode 7 right?

the scene where renegade titan beheaded another 15m-class titan with punch

it's not that beheading won't kill the titan, enough damage to certain spot in the nape (mentioned in episode 4) is the deciding factor here

if by beheading Titan, you can put enough damage there, you can also kill it at the same time
The weak point isn't the neck. The the nape of the neck. So if you want to behead it, you need to aim lower. But normal human swords are too small to behead titans.

Remember when the renegade punched the head off the other titan? It was still alive, and the renegade had to stomp on the nape to kill it.
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