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Old 2012-03-28, 04:52   Link #150
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Originally Posted by Vena View Post
Dunno, maybe his glowing red did do something against Shrade: undid the effects of Shrade's music, allowing Kagura the opportunity to push Shrade back and *defeat* him. I just think that without the power-up from the gate, his powers only work on himself and, prior to getting enraged and leveled up by Mykage, barely had any noticeable effects.
He didn't do anything against Shrade after glowing red, let alone defeat him... Shrade wasn't playing any music by then (just lost his violin) so he wasn't doing his mind tricks, he was just standing there with only his bare hands to defend himself with. And yet Kagura glows red and... decides to jump off the tower. And about his powers being stronger on Altair, did he even glow at all while he was locked up in Mykage's cage? It's like he didn't even try to escape.

I can buy that his powers weren't as strong before Mykage's influence, but he apparently had them, even though he may not have known it, like Jin. Jin used his power for the first time instinctively to defend Yunoha, so it was logical. Kagura on the other hand... the only explanation I can think of is that the writers wanted the whole reverse thing to be a surprise (duh) and that's why he didn't actually use it before... but it makes no sense for the character at all. (You know there's a word for this that I'm not using. Ah well. )

Originally Posted by Vena View Post
Along of the lines of how Mikono's power contributed from a weak afterthought to an actual power that brought MIX and Andy together.
? Mikono's power was never a weak afterthought... not having a power was a huge issue for Mikono.

Originally Posted by Thess View Post
This is why I like Kagura. He appears all bad boy and dangerous, but he's a clueless puppy who acts by instinct. Kind of like Jin appeared like a sleazy creeper, but he was a hopeless otaku moe boy.
Technically he's still dangerous and creepy, though, and if they want to do anything even remotely romantic with him they'd better make him more... human, I guess? and more aware that other people are not toys (he could start with not treating Mikono like an object). But his stereotypical "dark, bad boy bishounen" image took a huge hit in this episode and I'm pretty happy about that. I find him a lot more likeable this way.

Originally Posted by Thess View Post
No... it didn't seem like it was worth the effort. Are there any highlights?
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