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Old 2012-11-29, 12:25   Link #34
Kana Hanazawa ♥
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: France
Age: 37
Tsuritama: a show about fishing. Needless to say, I didn't expect much from it. I only decided to watch it because it was on Noitamina. This turned out to be a wonderful show that balanced comedy and drama perfectly. Great characters as well.

Hyouka: I had been wary of Kyoani shows these past few years and was only interested in Hyouka because it was described as a mystery anime. The first episode was incredibly disappointing to me: gorgeous looking but extremely dull story-wise. However, as time went on, the show grew on me and I ended up loving it. I was particularly impressed with the depth of the male characters, who ended up being as developed as the girls if not more, which is a bit of a rarity nowadays. In the end, the series ended up being very different from what I expected: the mysteries were not that interesting for the most part and were mostly vehicles for character development; the 4 main characters were what made the show so great. Of course, it also didn't hurt that the direction and animation were mind-blowingly good.

Tari Tari: I thought I'd get an inferior Hanasaku Iroha. I got the opposite. A very well done coming of age story with likable and believable characters. Plus, no Okada antics. Even the ending was satisfying! Good job, P.A.
Rize and Kaneki
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