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Old 2011-05-09, 10:39   Link #65
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Join Date: Jul 2007
I watched the whole show in one day since I had time and gave it 9.

The last show that got me so engaged was Shiki and I watched it several months ago and already had re-watched it too.

Usually I try to avoid popular stuff for as long as possible because in most cases I just end up being seriously dissapointed (Haruhi and Gurren Lagan are good examples of my dissapointment, not to offend anyone but those shows are crap...).

Back to Madoka, the reason why I finally decided to watch it is because I kept seeing it everywhere with high 8-10 marks and because it was said that the show is not all fluffy as it looks and actually has dark side to it. Being fan of dark stories I finally gave in... and don't regret one bit!

All the characters ares different and likeble, some had brought a lot of suprises. Kyubei happened to be more entertaining than I expected, he actually started to creep me out. But I don't hate him since I can't really call him cruel... clueless maybe?
Homura had the best excuse to her cold personality, usually it is something quiet cheap that makes you want to facepalm.
Kyouko was not an arrogant bastard after all who needed a smack to the head to wake up.
Sayaka though did start to annoy me... all this drama and witch transformation could have been easily avoided if she would shut her pride somewhere. Also the whole sould transformation is not that bad, like if that guy would notice the difference.

Was not big fond of cutely drawn characters and still think that slightly different style would make them look better, for example like in Mai HiME/Otome series. But you do get used to it eventually.

Music was the biggest highlight here for me, always liked Kajiura Yuki since Mai HiME series and she did not dissapoint here either.

Also quiet unique way of potraying witchses and their world, at first I was "WTF?!" but then I started to really like it.

So yeh I liked character interections, drama even though it was over used sometimes, action, mysteries...

And yeh, huge plus to Madoka for wishing what I've been thinking about "Why not remove withes and end this cycle already?".

So yeh, show deserves all the hype it has. And I'm also not huge fan of magical girl shows like Sailor Moon and so on but this works really well. Recommend to everyone who doesn't like Magical Girl theme.
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