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Old 2008-10-12, 23:01   Link #95
Tenshi's Defense Squadron
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Fighting against those who oppress the system
My new fanfiction will later be posted. I'll post a summary/synopsis.

A representative's fight

Timeline: Gundam 00 second season

The war between the federation and the Celestial Being/Kataron has begun. A resigned fighter has taken it upon himself to change the world once more. Rise gundam!

Main character: Vren (real name: Mark Schenlerg)
MS: Zero Gundam

Zero gundam specs+history:
The former O-gundam was scrapped for its original GN drive. However, there is more than the original drives. The S-GN drive type was the first prototype for the GN-drives for the other Meisters. The power of the S-GN is stronger than the other GN and completely surpasses/outclasses the GN tau. The drive was hidden away until it was discovered by Kataron

S-GN drive particles are blue.

O-Gundam (now renamed Zero gundam) was modified by Kataron and increased its armanents and capabilities. It's beam rifle shoots powerful particle shots, increased the beam sabers to 4, and improved mobility as well as the shield (which has a minature GN generator, making it a weaker GN field compared to Virtue/Seravee)

Pilot: Vren
Age: 21
Hair color: Dark blue

History: A decorated Flag fighter of the Union, he was caught up in the armed interventions and was a friend to Graham Acre. Although not as good as his friend, he was almost killed by the Thrones' attack.

He kindly declined the offer of being an GN-X pilot as he prefered the Flag. He resigned afterwards.

After 3 years, he had learned the atrocities of A-LAWs and joined up with Kataron. His piloting skills made him Kataron's ace pilot and later ending up piloting the Zero gundam.

hai, hai. Onii-chan has his work cut out for him.
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