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Old 2007-11-22, 02:49   Link #30
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Well that episode certainly cleared up Nanaka's situation. Now we know why she was so cold towards Sana at the beginning - she was angry because she though he'd forgotten about her since he wasn't there for her after the fire. Obviously that's a little much to ask, given how she could have called him or whatever, but from what Shuuske told Sana, it doesn't sound like she was doing well enough to do so.

It's also been implied that Sana's "new life" after he moved away wasn't all sunshine and lollipops either - given the sudden zoom on his watch and his pained expression after Nanaka accused him of forgetting about her and having fun with his new friends, I figure that's probably not true. There still remains the possibility it's covering a self-inflicted scar, but my guess is that it's a reminder of a friend who passed away under tragic circumstances. He did mention to his mom he needs to be stronger now. Maybe he thinks whatever happened after he moved away is partially his fault. It'll be interesting to see what it is.

Aside from Sana and Nanaka's respective tragic pasts, there still are a few things we still need to resolve - the creepy old lady is one, and Shuri and Shuuske's home life is still unsettled. As someone else has mentioned, it seems like they all have experienced tragedy of some sort in the past - I somehow get the impression that the way the storing seems to be going, everyone being together again will either directly or indirectly lead to everyone overcoming whatever it has that happened to them. Sort of a "power of friendship" thing.

Of course, how the creepy old lady fits in - I have no idea.
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