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Old 2010-10-31, 19:34   Link #22
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Hamburg
Age: 54
Oi oi oi... from Ayase's point of view, Kyousuke just declared that he's planning to get into his sister's pants. Under these circumstances, Ayase is now deceived to be on a mission to rescue her beloved Kirino from this predatory hentai. Ayase has more than ample justification to be mad and disgusted at Kyousuke.

The beauty of Ayase's character is that I think I can empathize and understand how she's ticking, and she is REALLY no bad person. She has a crush on her idolized version of Kirino, and due to her personal history, she is conditioned to reject the otaku/anime culture. STILL, she's not just as much a denialist as some people seem to try to make her. She's still talking to Kyousuke about the incident, and she's accepting the evidence Kyousuke brought as genuine. She's not been calling it quits with Kirino on a whim, but for very clear reasons, and she's definitely hurting over it at least as much as Kirino. And when Kyousuke fed her the worst-case scenario, she didn't decide to reconcile with Kirino for selfish reasons, but out of concern for her. It became her duty to protect Kirino against the alleged hentai, and that superseded any personal misgivings she might feel about her hobby (which was probably the result of Kyousuke's tainting of her anyway).

In other words, she isn't a mere nutcase yandere, she is fairly PRINCIPLED at her core, and I maintain that she's genuinely kind at heart. It's just that she's operating on two wrong assumptions, one being her idolized view of Kirino, and the other being Kyousuke's story he fed her. Try to view things from this perspective, and you'll see that Ayase isn't bad in the least.

I'll come out: I'm a closet Ayase shipper. Essentially, she and Kyousuke (who never was an Otaku in the beginning) would make a pretty good match. Both are essentially normal people with the feet firmly planted on the ground. And I hope that in the long run, this awful lie between them will eventually be cleared up.
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