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Old 2013-01-13, 13:07   Link #2482
Manus ad Ferrum
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Costa Rica
Age: 33
But the number is the reason why we can’t assign the other to a proper role or development. We are too busy searching through the entire cast. In this particular case with so many characters they have no purpose, a large cast in a short series is bad because of lack of time to give them proper screentime and development. In this case the problem comes from having to many character. In this case the number did went wrong, because of the large number we can’t focus too much on each character because we still have 20 more to go.

Miura… she doesn’t really get development. We are told she went through that in the past when she come from a very incompetent and timid girl to a more competent and yet timid girl. There is a difference between showing character development and telling us it happen. And so far she doesn’t go for a change, she still seems to be really timid. She is not going through anything and just keeps fighting.

Einhart does get development but is too spread across the series and at times too fast for its own good, since the change from the cold fighter to the timid friend was made in like two chapters without really addressing the fact and just telling us that is how it is. On that I have to agree with 00-Raiser, Vivio really seems to be in the perfect life and doesn’t have any place to go and that was a mistake.

Vivio should be struggling with some kind of problems and the resolution of such problems with Einhart on the mix could be a good story. The problem is that the writer kill any amount of development we could have here when he decide to go with the “it has been 4 years and is all better now”. But that is my opinion. In the end the fact that Vivio lacks motivation or an arc is a problem because she is the main character.
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