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Old 2010-12-16, 08:51   Link #163
Cross Game - I need more
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: I've moved around the American West. I've lived in Oregon, Washington, Utah, and Oklahoma
Age: 44
Originally Posted by quigonkenny View Post
Thank Kami that someone else gets it. As much as they've been trying to push Kanon and Shiori, and as ready-made as they are for popular consumption, the most popular character in the series outside of Keima and Elsie is nowhere near so stereotypical, and anything but "just a moe girl".

If only the powers that be at Manglobe had realized that by a little addition (one more episode) a little more subtraction (one episode each from Shiori and Kanon), and a bit of arc order shuffling, they could have ended the season having finished everyone's favorite devil "capture" arc while sticking close to the two-chapter an episode pace that was working so well at the beginning, and with a little more aggressive marketing, would be riding the Hakua train all the way to the bank. Anime hasn't seen so marketable a lead heroine since Bakemonogatari, and Hakua's not really even a lead...

Instead, they're going to end up with a lot of unsold Kanon CDs and no third season (and thus no Tenri)...
I think it might be salvageable if the second season does Haqua early, and has a "filler" episode where some of the girls "reappear" in Keima's life suggesting that, hey, this is not just "girl of the week".

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