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Old 2009-07-09, 05:09   Link #16
cho~ kakkoii
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: 3rd Planet
I admit I wasn't impressed by the second episode at all. The over the top voice acting just adds to the misery. However, I'm intrigued how the poem in the Epitaph thread has literally played out: "At the first twilight, you shall lift up as sacrifice the six chosen by the key." And as a result, the apparent curiosity makes me want to find out about whom and how many will come to discover the poem, and how these people will contribute to make each line of that poem a reality. The poem also hints of total reset in one of its four wishes, such as bringing back loved ones. It makes the killing interesting because anyone who has or will experience the loss of a loved ones, can have no remorse in killing. Three people already fall into that category as of episode 2.

In short, my interest in this show will be mostly academic from here on. I'm also a big time Agatha Christie fan, and many of her stories' setting rely on the gathering of close family members who wants a share of inheritance and the subsequent dangerous atmosphere that is created from there on to lead to the inevitable murder and mayhem. So this familiar setting probably will be enough for me to overlook such a poor production value this show will see to tell the story.

P.S. I thought I should post my thoughts here since I've speculated quite a bit after seeing how a portion of the poem literally came true. If things unfold according to the poem from here on, then this thread is the best one to post for a first time viewer like myself who can spare the other anime-only viewers who are blissfully ignorant about the poem in the Epitaph thread.
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