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Old 2009-06-09, 16:36   Link #1116
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: forever lost inside a logic error
at ikth7. The parallelism between the siestas and Maria's bunnies is too evident to be dismissed. However I still believe that the siestas represent guns as well as the seven sisters represent the stakes. it still unclear why guns would be associated with maria's bunnies, but supposing the real culprit (Beatrice) is Maria's friend. Then maybe Beatrice borrowed Maria's power to give "life" from zero to create the entities known as siesta sisters.
It's fantasy isn't it? for the stakes Beatrice only had to read a demonology book, for the guns she asked Maria to imagine the names and personality of such "furnitures". Well this is just a guess.

@squirrellord In truth after reading episode1 I was pretty sure Gohda was the culprit. Ha ha I guess he really is suspicious. However right now I'm suspecting practically all the servants.

I don't know if the parallelism between fantasy and reality works, but let's suppose it is.

Ronove is Genji
Gohda is Goat Man
Kumasawa is Virgilia
Gaap is Shannon

The seven sisters are the stakes
The siestas are the guns

Certainly Kumasawa and Genji are no murderers however that also goes for the fantasy, they don't really kill anyone. So in the real world they are accomplices.

I'm still not sure about Nanjo. However the mastermind (Beatrice) must have used them all for something, promising them money in return. That is probably the reason behind those mysterious letters. Yet it is not clear why the name of their sons was used. Maybe because they thought the sons after receiving those letter would automatically give them to the parents since their names were stated as the receivers. They couldn't imagine they would die... still this is a very roundabout method...

Who the hell is this fake Beatrice who befriended Maria and taught her magic? Who could disguise herself (himself?) so to looks exactly as the woman in the portrait? Who would remember and have at heart Battler's sin even thought she isn't related to it? Who would posses such amount of money? Who would go that far to make everyone believe in the witch's existence, at the point to send messages in bottles thus creating a legend and various witch hunters over the world?

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