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Old 2013-04-23, 23:16   Link #620
Daniel Lind
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Originally Posted by Myssa Rei View Post
I'm not really sure anyone who HASN'T got a good understanding of Japanese can even comment on this properly. We have raws, but no subs.
We've had subs based on a camrip for a while now. They're mostly spot-on.
However, regardless of the spoken language, comprehending Q is not such easy of a task. You see, no viewer simply speaks the language of terms and cryptic references that characters spout instead of lines. The most complicated language material in there is technobabble that accompanies complex space operations or Wunder launch and they carry practically no information for the viewer. The rest is not that hard to follow (as much as anyone can anyway) especially with the Japanese subs on hand, although there was a difficult monologue by Gendou and at first I paused to sit down and discern it thinking it might finally have some exposition that will piece this together. Nope.

I mean, can I really fault Eva for obfuscating its own setting? Isn't that kinda what it always did? Although here, it's been perfected to an artform. It's really amazing how the creators do everything in their ability to ensure that it is impossible to understand just what exactly is the story.

That doesn't mean what's happening on the screen is all that complex however. The happenings of the movie are simple and can be summarized without fluff quite so:
Spoiler for Q:

And that's it, and that's what happens. Not before a bunch of contrivances!

Through Kaworu we learn that
Spoiler for Q:

So what the hell is that? None of the locales, objects or devices we're shown are estabilished. There's simply no point of reference to any of the events transpiring on screen. But have 3DCG mecha porn though, that's always a good replacement, right?
The plot thickens when it is revealed that
Spoiler for Q:

So yeah.
- Dialogues filled with terms that no viewer knows the meaning of
- Lack of estabilishment of setting
- Contriveances to keep the bare plot going
- 3DCG spam
- Plotholes! A new to Eva, it used to be just setting obfuscation, but now there's certain plotholes. Isn't it great.

It feels like there's another, probably less boring movie, we've missed in between 2 and 3.
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