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Old 2011-01-10, 21:28   Link #49
Obey the Darkly Cute ...
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: On the whole, I'd rather be in Kyoto ...
Age: 66
Originally Posted by Triple_R View Post
I ran across the following suggestive definition of moe on another anime board, and I think it might be a good one for practical purposes, and constructive discussion:

1. "Moe," an adjective describing a feeling. This is a warm, fuzzy feeling that might be described as "DAWWWWW!!" and have overtones of wanting to protect or comfort someone. In principle, this feeling can be directed at almost anyone.

2. "Moe," an adjective describing a character. This is a descriptor of a character that is either

a. known to elicit the aforementioned "moe" feeling in a wide variety of people, regardless of author intent, or
b. designed to elicit the "moe" feeling through the use of certain traits, such as cuteness of appearance and quirks that are supposed to be endearing (e.g. verbal tics).

3. "Moe," an adjective describing a genre. This is a descriptor of a show whose plot and character designs are primarily meant to elicit that "moe" feeling toward certain characters.

What I like about this above definition is that it recognizes that people can differ on what causes a moe feeling to arise in them ("moe" as an adjective describing a feeling) but also recognizes that, for practical discussion purposes, there are certain characters and character types that are more likely to be widely regarded as moe than other certain characters and character types ("moe" as an adjective describing a character).

That being said, this definition is very much a shorthand one, and my own understanding of moe may run deeper than it... but, all the same, I think that it might make for a good starting point, at least, for any discussion on moe between anime fans who like moe, and anime fans who don't like moe or are ambivalent towards it.
I rather like this multi-part definition - it is what I was thinking earlier yesterday but couldn't quite put to a solid definition. Aye, its about as shallow as a dictionary definition, but its a LOT better than the crap that drips out of many crap "authoritative" nonsense. and damn, the cookie demons say its too early for a cookie for you.
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