Thread: Tsundere
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Old 2006-07-18, 15:35   Link #48
Srin Tuar
Join Date: Sep 2004
This term is getting out of hand with its overuse.

I think we need to tighten up the definition of TsunDere here a bit, or the label will fit on just about everyone.

This is my feeling:

TsunTsun: being for more rude/harsh/ and unfriendly than normal. prickly, unsociable, arrogant whatever. A TsunDere is 90+% TsunTsun, and is their default mode. Usually they are like this for a reason: being nobility, or simply being jealous. Few people can afford to be this way for long, because you wont have many friends or business associates left in short order.

DereDere: fawning, happy, goofy, silly, blushing, needy. Almost noone is like this all the time, though some people tend to be happy and silly alot.

Cordial: the vast majority of people are sufficiently friendly and normal. They are seldom pricly except when pissed off, and seldom deredere except when drunk.
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