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Old 2012-09-01, 16:15   Link #3
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Originally Posted by hayate-sama View Post
Spoiler for Ep9:
Awwwwwwwwwww, no mention for Phillip!!!! His scene's awesome this episode. Old people are so hotblooded in this series without even trying.

Given the history of Spain and what's coming up next,
1) all the old guys coming to save their "weak" chancellor
2) Phillip recounting his losses from previous war
3) trying to save the country from the current war's aftermath
4) the part where the music cuts and he said that one line to Juana
5) which in contrast to that "lie" from immediately before
all in all were quite tear-jerking (I definitely started seeing water in my eye when reading). He is my favorite character this season cause the things he say are so simple but poignant; he makes for a really great contrast with Toori given how they are so different yet they're both inspiring in their own ways; only quality they share is a "King" can always summon billions of people at a moment notice to die for him.

Funny thing: after the last episode's preview, people thought that this episode would have a special ED with the start of the battle and Juana crying while the credits are rolling, but this is great too.

Matsuura YOU'RE THE BESTEST!!! Sanzingen really kicked ass this episode with all the 3D animation. Aura AND staging-wise this has to be the best in terms of full scale war of this year (and probably the year before too). Everything's so ridiculously compact (it's really starting to show here now especially near the end). If the character has ONE line here they probably said one-two pages or so in the book ... and the fight scenes get even more condensed because imagining all the fleet movement written out in wordsssssss (balancing between full scale warzone and "hero unit" fights, Kawakami bestestttt).

Speaking of which, there was a Chara Hobby event, and Horizon had a stage there. FukuJun as his closing words said that the staff maxed out their effort on the last two episodes**, and has the 4x the materials of other anime. Last time he said something like this (regarding staff effort) was back season 1 for episode 4+5, I don't like to overhype things but after seeing how good this "intro" episode is I think it would be ok to start hyping things now. It's all fighting from here on except for 1 scene + ending iirc.

**there's two version of his line (they're kinda the same, but I opted more to the 2nd version because it's on 2ch and had a really summary of the entire event; first one's reported here)
最後に、福山が「最終回は度肝抜かれるから! 4話分くらい詰まっている。楽しみにしていて」とあいさつし た
福山…最終回の2話みたら度肝抜くと思います。他のテレビアニメ4本分入ってますから。ご期待 ください。
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