Thread: Licensed Saki manga
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Old 2013-02-07, 03:57   Link #2811
Critical fanboy
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Anywhere with anime and anime discussion is fine
Originally Posted by atua View Post
I'm getting sick of Harue "Super Sleuth" Akado's inside info shtick. It's one thing if she notices stuff about a few players, but to have info on basically every single player is getting ridiculous. According to Sumire, Awai's only used her supernova move once before (in official tournaments). Top tier teams like Senriyama & Himematsu have coaches and associated pros who help out the team. I'm assuming Shiratodai is the same (although we haven't actually seen any on screen/in manga yet). And out of all these people, nobody noticed Sumire's tell, or Awai's corner tile wall trick? Or if those tells are so subtle, how did Harue notice them in the first place? And if she was so good at spotting tells, why didn't she give Kuro better advice for her Toki & Teru matches?
I think some people still haven't gotten over the initial impression that Harue is a lousy coach (I can't believe how crappy of a coach like her can top other more famous schools' in terms of intel) after how badly we have seen Kuro handled her matches against Toki and Teru. If anything, this chapter and ones about Sumire's tell shown how good of a coach she is the reason Miyamori's coach wanting to scount her in the first place.
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