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Old 2012-07-04, 12:48   Link #29
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Originally Posted by marvelB View Post
-Back at Punk Hazard, Usopp and Sanmi are forced to deal with the giant kids, who have awakened and are going berserk from withdrawal symptoms again. As Usopp prepares to sedate them again, Caesar himself suddenly appears to offer the kids more of his drugged candy. Meanwhile, Zoro's group are still dealing with the slime, which is revealed to have a DF power: Sala Sala(mander) no mi: Model Axolotl.
It's surprising that the slime creature would have a zoan devil fruit. With the model Axolotl, makes me wonder how many other species of salamander there are.

Originally Posted by marvelB View Post
-Back at the lab, we see Vergo chatting with Monet, who points out the hamburger stuck to his face. We then learn his true identity: Vergo is the vice-admiral who commands the G5 marines. While he's eating the burger, we see that Luffy and co. are all imprisoned together, nearby (amusingly, Luffy is reminded of Alabasta since he's locked up with Smoker again ). Law, who's also in the cell, explains the history between "Joker" and Vergo: It turns out that Vergo was a pirate who joined the marines under Joker's orders 15 years ago, and rose to VA rank during that time. The evil VA then tells Smoker and Tashigi that he'll have to kill them since Law revealed his past to them....
Sounds like we got ourselves a corrupt official working on the inside.

Originally Posted by marvelB View Post
-Luffy asks Law about Joker. Law says that he was a former underling of Joker himself, which is why he knew him so well. Vergo also happens to be the mole's most trusted subordinate. But while in the underground he's known as "Joker", the dark info broker is known in the outside world as the Shichibukai Donquixote Doflamingo.....!!!!!!
This is quite a reveal. I bet there's going to be memes about Doflamingo cosplaying as Batman's Joker. Speaking of Batman, I remember a comic cover with the villain Mr. Zsasz who I think is resembling our grinning warlord.
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