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Old 2009-12-13, 23:42   Link #1197
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by Flask View Post
To be honest, Roy got a really harsh punishment. Especially against his will. Losing your eyesight is one of the worse things to happen to a soldier, let alone someone set on being the Fuhrer.

Gotta be a catch somewhere..
the catch is the simple question "does being blind really hold him back from being fuhrer"...

from what i've seen Roy being capable of doing, i would not find it hard to believe that he would be able to lead blind. With Riza's sharp eyes acting as his own, he should be able to command... hell that was part of the point about what i foresaw happening; Riza's got the sharp eyes to judge the exact position of a target and mustang is skilled enough with his alchemy to hit that same spot without even looking if he knows where the it is.... we can bring this to his leadership aswell, someone explains the situation so that he can visualize it and he leads from there... its a handicap to be sure, and it will slow him down as people must explain the situation to him, but i do believe he will manage with his subordinates at his side

Futharmore, we have to ask if Roy will even need to continue being a military star. I mean the whole reason the furher is such a strong military position is because that's what father thought was most convenient. With father, wrath, and wrath's inner circle gone, the government of the country can take a change. Move on to democracy and mustang can take the political route to leadership...

though granted, one problem would be Olivia... afterall she too would be vying for power at this time, and mustang does have to kind of beat her to the punch... not quite sure how he's gonna do that; with or without his eyes

Though all in all, Roy will still feel the sting of a truth's cruelty. Afterall, the point was not to take away his visions for the future of his country, but to prevent him from ever seeing the result.
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