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Old 2009-12-14, 07:36   Link #900
Join Date: May 2006
Location: London, UK
Age: 39
Rachel's nerf was probably a little too much but she really needed to be toned down. She has the best corner pressure in CT (along with Jin and Arakune with curse activated) and insane mixup options on oki. They had to fix that, although they should have given her something else to work with, atleast to make her fair enough (pretty much like Lambda and Arakune).

And to anyone complaining about Tao's taunt loop: I'd love to see you doing that so many times. I main Tao and learning double taunt combos took me almost two months of daily practice. Just because you see Keita and Kazu (two of the best tao players) doing them so many times it doesn't mean it's a piece of cake. Although her ~b cancel recovery has been decreased (which is why she's able to loop her 214D > j.2D~B) you still need to get the timing down for that string, and trust me, it's not that easy.

And that doesn't make her a broken character anyway. In CS she has the least health (9000, same amount as Carl), the worst defense (least amount of guard libra points), and no reversal until 50% meter. I think it's fair to compensate by giving her a good damage output.
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