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Old 2010-03-15, 14:38   Link #4
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: event horizon
Originally Posted by NightWish View Post
Can you rephrase the proposal? It seems to be the crux of what you're requesting, but isn't very clear to me exactly what you are suggesting. Is it suppose to be an outline of a new rule? A comment on the current rules? A process for people to think through when posting? The highlighted section is particularly confusing given the choice of words.
Well I could just suggest creating a new rule, but that's harder then telling you how the rules you have already apply enough for most cases that seem to make everyone unhappy as of late. Here is a re-phrase:
If the poster uses his post in topic X to vent his opinion of topic Y while referencing topic X. Then said user is potentially in a situation where he is cross-posting the same exact idea/topic over and over across the forum needlessly if either
  1. topic Y is new and topic X is the only context in which it applies at that given point in time, or
  2. topic X is identified by topic Y and is not simply a example of Y's symptoms.
Or in plain english again, if the topic is generic compared to the context topic it is in, then you are looking at "cross post" (2.5) of a inherently cyclic debate (2.8) over multiple threads instead of being contained in one single one. I say "inherently cyclic" because by allowing it to exist in each and every thread you are allowing the same points to go back to square zero again and againt and againt, etc.

A simple example,
  • Discussing "moe + anime industry" in Sora no Woto, or raising points about it would be bad. Correct way should be to open a thread in General Anime (presuming one does not exist already), which would work for all series and would avoid any cyclic behavior (as well as minimize whining/complaining from both sides).
  • Discussing how characters in Sora no Woto share similarities with their K-on! counterparts (ie. "they ripped of K-on!" etc) would be ok. Falling into exception (b) and partially (a).
Anyway I think the rule of thumb I implied in the title works best: if its generic or we heard it before it must be contained in its own thread to keep discussion quality high.

There are (potentially) other consideration like how having it as-is generates what KiNA described. However, I'm not even concerned with that now. Like KiNA pointed out there's no real "right" there so I think just making adjustments like this where current rules are just enforced more to reduce noise is a good alternative method of solving part of the problem with out any bad side effects or discrimination.
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