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Old 2013-08-18, 06:04   Link #50
Join Date: May 2013
Location: Virginia
I'm not even sure to begin with these episodes.... I want to do a write-up, but that would just evolve into a rant rather than analysis. So I suppose I can do the short version

-Writing off each heroine as if they were on a checklist, each venting their frustrations, all being useless in the end
- Kyousuke being extremely obnoxious and selfish
- When Kirino's character actually changes in a noticeable way, that development is thrown in the garbage bin (in the most stupid way possible6
- The pacing felt weird in 16
-Many characters lack satisfying closure (I suppose this includes the school itself, as Kyousuke and Manami had obvious attachment to it), or get none at all
- Kirirno aside from (temporarily) lover her beloved Onii-chan didn't change at all
-More I'm probably missing

The part that was the best was Manami's talk with the two, the venting of her frustration really came off as genuine (through I'll agree with Kyousuke on this one that the fighting was not necessary). Though I wish they would've shown Manami's growing frustrations throughout the course of the series. There was some foreshadowing in episode 13 but that was about it.

But overall, very disappointing conclusion to an otherwise decent series.
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