Thread: A Laugh A Day
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Old 2013-05-19, 02:38   Link #28896
Join Date: Jan 2009
Age: 32
Originally Posted by MUAHAHAHAHAHA View Post
What the hell is the second term? It's just a box. Also a girl who's smart enough wouldn't date a guy who tries to appear more intelligent than he is by using stupidly obfuscated notation. Is it really necessary to divide by fractions? Like, everywhere? Knowing that dividing by 1/100 equals multiplying by 100 is great and all, but doing it twenty times is just tedious, not a sign of intelligence. One part of that equation was "multiply by cos(60) and divide by cos(60)." Why would you ever. One part also says "take the halfth root" which is retarded on multiple levels.

Ignoring the second term, I got 87051904399, which is longer than a US phone number but I don't know about other countries. It's dominated by the first term, which evaluated to 400*14661^2, unless I messed up my arithmetic--and that's all this is, when it comes down to it. Arithmetic. Anyone who took high school math up to trigonometry can do this, given enough time, paper, a calculator, and patience. Hell, I could plug it into wolfram alpha. If you want a smart girl, why not make your phone number the constant term in the unique solution to a non-homogeneous differential equation, given initial conditions? (then again, you can plug that into wolfram too, but the point stands)
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