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Old 2012-06-14, 14:51   Link #65
Annie Leonhart
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Indiana
Chapter 671
That was not a bad chapter. Luffy needs to stop doing stupid things in battle. Inhaling toxin was not a smart idea. I thought CC was going to give Luffy a challenge, the fight was pretty much one sided. It is a shame Smoker does not have his body, he looks so helpless watching Luffy. What is Law's relationship with the mystery man? The Harpy obviously knows him, because she is giggling and she is not being attacked by him. What if Law's father is Dr. Vega Punk, and he is coming back to correct past mistakes? If this character truly is Akoiji, then I am curious to see what kind of scar he has from the battle with Akainu? Second question is why is he keeping tabs on so many of the new generation Pirates? He kept on eye on Luffy and the crew, he kept tabs on Robin, and now Law (If this guy is Akoiji).
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