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Old 2006-01-12, 19:12   Link #11
~Night of Gales~
Join Date: Dec 2005
I can't see why people are going over their heads with their "self-proclaimed" melodrama ~angst~ with this whole Arika ?~~>?Sergay thing. I mean, it's so blatantly clear from Episode 1 that this was going to happen, and yeah, while it may sidetrack from the whole upcoming "New War of the Something Something", some of you are forgetting this is Arika's show. We're supposed to see what things she's going through, not what Mai Otome is going through. And I'm honestly getting Destiny vibes from some people here, but I don't even want to go there. Just a reminder really.

Hell, I don't even think Arika's "feelings" is a crush. All we're seeing is how she views those feelings, and what the misleading people are telling her. coughcoughyohkoakanecoughcough. There's more to those feelings than a simple romantic relationship.

I've said it before, but I'd say Arika's feelings is merely a weird feeling of longing for a father figure she never had. Despite her bickering with the man, she knows Sergay is really just playing around with her. Mix with all that thing going on, and the whole Nina loves father angle, it's bound to be misleading. Sucks to have a friend who loves her own father in an abnormal way.

The only thing that seems romantic so far, (( at least to my eyes )) is Nina's feelings to Sergay. Now, I know some of you say my Arika theory works with Nina as well, but I'm not getting that vibe....yet. I'm open for changes though.

This of course, is ignoring all the canon hetero and yuri pairings.

However, I'll agree to the extent that if Sunrise makes Sergay returns Arika's feelings (( at this stage )), they're really screwing with his character.
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