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Old 2012-05-03, 09:45   Link #704
Bonta Kun
Know who you are
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Resides within the depths of Ned infested Glasgow
Originally Posted by azziz View Post
it's precisely the fact this serie don't follow the usual patern that make it special to me;i'm fed up with the ordinary mc you yourself described.
for the same reason,the heroe of mao no yuusha,being by far the world stongest right from the start is one of my favorite mc,even above tatsuya(because he din't pretend even in his inner dialogue to be a wuss just to surprise us later):this author proved us that the feeling of a lonely heroe viewed as too strong even by the human he try to protect are more than enough to make us empathize with him,instead of reusing the archetype of the average high school student in look,grade and sport sudently gaining a mysterious power who'll attract the interest of a virgin bishoujo who transfer in his class and...
you know the rest,we've seen it countless time so you should appreciate the rare author who dare avoid such cliche,unlike most of the other who are just too lazy to even add a little bit of originality to their plot or chara to show respect to their reader-and to themself.

sorry for disgressing,i'll stop here.
Have to agree here, can do without the typical shounen plot thing happening here.
Every now and again it's good to read a story of a MC that is super strong from the start and stays at the top through out.
The mentioned Maoyuu Maou Yuusha is great in this regard but it's not really about the super powers and such.

I mean how many times do we see

Hero: oh I got a new mysterious super powers, I will use them for justice and love! Begone evildoers!

Evildoers: MUHAHAHAHA you are so weak, here eat my super attack!

Hero: Oh noes my mysterious super powers are so weak!

*some time later(generally alot of time later)*

"New" Hero: I'm back and I now have "new" mysterious super powers! begone with you!

Evildoer: Oh noes you be too powerful now! ARRRGGGHHH!

"New" Hero: And now we have peace.

*New Evildoer v2.0 enter stage right*

New Evildoer v2.0: MUHAHAHAHA I am a the New Evildoer v2.0 and I'm more powerful than the last guy be prepared!

"New" Hero: Oh noes be more powerful than the last Evildoer what do I do!

Do I need to see a MC struggle with every new super powerful enemy that comes along?
No I don't.
Do I need to see a "weak human" side to the MC to be able to relate to the MC?
No I don't.
It's good to let loose now and again and a series like this is exactly what I want in order to let loose.
I see too often the whole "Oh the MC is too weak, I hope he becomes super strong later!" or "Oh the MC is too powerful I hope he becomes weak or some new bad guy is stronger than him!"
For once I'd like to see a story go outside this thinking and deal with the story in a much different manner.

Think I'd prefer to see Tatsuya's struggles not over trying to be more super powerful than some bad dude but more cause he's super powerful to begin with.
How he handles the power and trying to deal with his more mental problems rather the how strong he is.
I mean he ain't perfect from what I've read, that much is obvious so if the author wants to go somewhere different with this then dealing with his emotionless state and his character rather than SUPA POWAS! is a great and better way, imo.
I really like this series alot, more so than the other really popular ones and I would to see it saved from the usual shounen stuff.
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