Thread: Tsukihime
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Old 2006-01-10, 09:34   Link #31
Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by zalas
Why would they want to do that? It doesn't really net them any financial benefit to put the time and effort into making it really hard to extract files. Besides, if the executable can read it, someone can extract the text. I still don't quite get why minori used Blowfish on their newer games though ^_^;
Simple to fight against pirates. If you use different encription methods for different parts of the game it will take longer to get past them. Let's take the teatime ero-game company as an example. They are a 3D game maufacturer that originally didn't encript text or the graphics files of the game then they started to do it to fight illeagal downloads which lead to the problem of extracting translating and reinstalling the text in the game. For instance with the fantasy SLG adventure Sacred Plume people tried to translate the game but it ended up with causing a bug that locked the game everytime you entered the combat screen rendering it unplayable with the translation patch. Also with School days the only reason you could extract the video was because the game had a major bug on release and 0verflow released a program to allow conversion to AVI so they could let owners of the game help figure out what the problem was, but to date no one has managed to reconvert the AVI back into the game's encripted format or pull the encripted subtitles 0verflow added later on out of the game for translation.
Finally you have the fact that Ero-game manufacturers what do distance themselves from the export of the games they make do to the fear of another major backlash against them. the first one was a japanese only backlash but if something really extreme gets translated and into the hands of the children of some ultra conservative people then it would be very bad for buisness.
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