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Old 2009-11-04, 23:05   Link #4152
Spontaneous Retirement.
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: United States

Okay, this is the original image file, edited. 70.1KB is the size, meaning it's non-AS safe.

This is the .JPEG version, at 46KB, and should be AS safe.

As you can see, the bottom got hacked off. Again. If it's to a really botherable extent (On the JPEG I can especially understand.) then I'll fix it up. The ORI file is better though, so if you're on a different site and can use it, I reccomend it.

Uhm, I'm sorry that I can't do much about the size or the general font color-- I don't save the template (That is, the images and stylizing of the base signature without text.) , I finish it then save it. Which is... Really unwise, but. XD;; It would require me to remake the entire signature to do that, unfortunately. The size change came out... Really shoddy when I tried to do it in a few different ways, so I'm sorry there too, but I hope that this is basically what you wanted, yeah?

Last edited by Worriors1; 2009-11-05 at 23:06.
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